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PrimiHub Security Protocol development Guide

How to develop a secure protocol


👨‍🎓 This document is intended for security protocol development and algorithm development engineers

🕗 Works with PrimiHub v1.0

How to develop a new multi-party secure computation protocol


  1. Envaluator Used to compute shared data, for example multiplication
sf64Matrix<D> Envaluator::mul(const sf64Matrix<D>& left, const sf64Matrix<D>& right);
  1. Encryptor Data is exchanged with the participants using the CommPkg, represented as local data. Consider the int data
// 本地i64类型转换为共享的si64类型数据,comm用于数据已经与其他参与方共享通信使用
si64 Sh3Encryptor::localInt(CommPkg & comm, i64 val);

// 从通信子获取一个si64类型的共享数据
si64 Sh3Encryptor::remoteInt(CommPkg & comm);

// 使用异步回调任务的方式将本地的i64类型数据转换为共享的si64类型数据
Sh3Task Sh3Encryptor::localInt(Sh3Task dep, i64 val, si64 & dest);

// 使用异步回调任务的方式从通信子获取一个si64类型的共享数据
Sh3Task Sh3Encryptor::remoteInt(Sh3Task dep, si64 & dest)
  1. CommPkg To manage the communication channel of several participants for exchanging ciphertext data, it is necessary to define the communication channel and getter method in the communication sub-of the participants according to the protocol model.

(4) ShareGen Used for protocol generation of SecretShare random number

Classes you need

  • Runtime:To manage the asynchronous task list of CommPKg, the Envaluator and Encryptor need to pass in a unique Runtime object reference.
  • ShareOT:Oblivious transfer tool, will use CommPkg. Variants of ShareOT can be inherited and implemented as needed.
  • Local data type :数fp、矩阵fpMatrix,具体见代码type包
  • Shared data type:浮点共享sf64、整型共享si64、矩阵si64Matrix/sf64Matrix,具体见代码type包

Algorithm Development

The algorithm is developed based on the security protocol, using the definitions in the protocol

  • Envaluator
  • Encryptor
  • CommPkg
  • ShareGen

The algorithm object initialization process is pseudocode as follows:

// create CommPKg
CommPkg comm (party0_channel, party1_channel, ...)

// The runtime is created and initialized, and the CommPKg used by the runtime is specified
runtime = CreateRunTimeObject(partyIdx)
runtime.init(partyIdx, comm)

// Initialization Envaluator and Encryptor
env = Envaluator(partyIdx, comm)
enc = Encryptor(partyIdx, comm)

The algorithm implements its own MPC calculation methods as needed, such as mul, add, sort, etc. See aby3ML for an implementation.

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