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PrimiHub Open Source Community Governance

In order to create a space for people interested in the PrimiHub project to learn and communicate freely, the PrimiHub open source community is launched. Welcome to speak~

Under the community organization structure, there are three different organizations, PMC, User Group and Developer Group.

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Top-level governance structure of the community We draw on the Apache Foundation concept of PMC(Project Management Committee), which is the project management committee that participates in the PrimiHub community project creation and major decisions related to the community.

User Group

PrimiHub User Group (PUG), is an independent, non-profit, third-party organization initiated by PrimiHub users, which is self-administered by users and aims to enhance communication and learning among PrimiHub users. The forms of TUG include but are not limited to online Q&A and technical article sharing, offline technology salon, entering famous enterprises, official interactive activities, etc. TUG members can learn cutting-edge technology knowledge, express technical opinions, and jointly build PrimiHub projects through online and offline activities.

With the maturity of PrimiHub products, PrimiHub user groups are growing. The problem feedback and practical experience encountered by users in the use process play an important role in the improvement of PrimiHub products and application promotion. It is hoped that users and developers can have better communication and interaction. Work together to promote a healthy PrimiHub community.

Developer Group

The Developer Group is often referred to as the developer community. In the developer community, it includes the well-known Contributor, Committer and Maintainer.

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In view of the increasing number of projects in the PrimiHub community and the increasing complexity of PrimiHub and PrimiManager projects, the PrimiHub community introduced Special Interest groups (Special Interest groups). SIG) governance concept:

Special Interest Group (SIG), special interest group is a very old term, it first appeared in the 1970s, because the ARPAnet network formed a variety of mailing list mail groups, which is also the embryo of the open source community. The PrimiHub community also uses an old and widely used form of organization in the open source community. SIG is mainly responsible for the development and maintenance of a module, such as PrimiHub, and is responsible for the quality of the module code. The contributors who meet the conditions will be invited to join the special interest group, where developers will receive continuous guidance from Tech Lead and active Committer to improve and optimize the module while practicing their technical ability. Community developers can gradually grow from initial contributors to community recognized committers and maintainers through special interest groups. In general, each special interest group will organize periodic meetings to discuss recent progress and problems encountered. All the meetings are open to the community, so that interested students can participate and discuss together.

In the PrimiHub project, the PrimiHub community divides it into: SIG of FL (Federated Learning Interest Group), SIG of TEE (Trusted Privacy Computing Group), SIG of HE (Homomorphic Encryption Interest Group), SIG of MPC (Multi-Party Secure Computing Privacy Group), SIG of HA(Hardware Acceleration group), Hardware Acceleration Interest Group)

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